4 Main Java Concurrency Issues – Morning Javving #09: A Guide to Avoiding Deadlock, Starvation, Race Conditions, and Livelock

4 Main Java Concurrency Issues – what is about? Concurrency in Java enables developers to write highly efficient and scalable applications by performing multiple threads of execution simultaneously. The benefits of concurrent programming are substantial. It introduces a set of challenges that can lead to unpredictable behavior, performance degradation, or outright application failure. In this article, we’ll delve into the four main concurrency issues in Java and provide strategies to avoid them. Deadlock, starvation, race conditions, and livelock – welcome on the board!

4 main java concurrency issues

Deadlock: The Standoff

It occurs when two or more threads are waiting on each other to release resources they each need, causing all of them to remain blocked indefinitely. Imagine a scenario where Thread A holds Lock 1 and needs Lock 2 to proceed, while Thread B holds Lock 2 and needs Lock 1. Neither can proceed, resulting in a deadlock.

Strategies to Avoid Deadlock:

  • Lock Ordering: Always acquire locks in a consistent global order among all threads.
  • Lock Timeout: Utilize timeouts when attempting to acquire locks. If a lock is not acquired within the timeout, the thread can release any held locks and retry, reducing the risk of deadlock.
  • Try-Lock: Java’s `ReentrantLock` offers a tryLock() method that attempts to acquire a lock without blocking indefinitely, allowing threads to back off and retry or take alternative actions if the lock is not available.

Coding Concurrency Journey

To illustrate the strategies for avoiding deadlocks in Java, let’s create code examples for each mentioned strategy: Lock Ordering, Lock Timeout, and Try-Lock. These examples will help demonstrate how to implement these strategies in a practical context.

  • Lock Ordering

Lock ordering is a preventive measure where all threads must acquire locks in a consistent global order. This approach eliminates circular wait conditions, one of the necessary conditions for a deadlock to occur.

public class LockOrderingExample {

    private final Object lock1 = new Object();

    private final Object lock2 = new Object();

    public void method1() {

        synchronized (lock1) {

            // Simulate some operations

            synchronized (lock2) {

                // Perform operations that require lock1 and lock2




    public void method2() {

        synchronized (lock1) { // Note: Using the same order as method1

            synchronized (lock2) {

                // Perform operations that require lock1 and lock2




  • Lock Timeout

Using lock timeouts involves attempting to acquire a lock only for a specified amount of time, thus avoiding indefinite waiting. Java does not have a built-in mechanism for setting a timeout on `synchronized` blocks, but you can achieve a similar effect using `ReentrantLock`’s `tryLock` method with a timeout.

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

public class LockTimeoutExample {

    private final ReentrantLock lock1 = new ReentrantLock();

    private final ReentrantLock lock2 = new ReentrantLock();

    public void process() {

        try {

            // Attempt to acquire both locks within a specified timeout

            boolean gotFirstLock = lock1.tryLock(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

            if (!gotFirstLock) {



            try {

                boolean gotSecondLock = lock2.tryLock(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

                if (!gotSecondLock) {



                try {

                    // Perform operations that require lock1 and lock2

                } finally {



            } finally {



        } catch (InterruptedException e) {




  • Try-Lock

The try-lock strategy involves attempting to acquire a lock without waiting indefinitely, allowing the thread to perform alternative actions or retries if the lock is not immediately available.

import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;

import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

public class TryLockExample {

    private final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();

    public void performTask() {

        if (lock.tryLock()) {

            try {

                // Perform task that requires the lock

            } finally {



        } else {

            // Perform alternative actions or retry later




These examples illustrate basic implementations of deadlock avoidance strategies in Java. In real-world applications, it’s crucial to carefully analyze and design your multithreading logic to ensure that these strategies are effectively applied to prevent deadlocks.

Starvation: The Forgotten Thread

Starvation happens when one or more threads are perpetually denied access to resources or CPU time, usually because other threads monopolize these resources. Threads suffering from starvation can’t proceed, leading to significant delays or a non-responsive application.

Strategies to Mitigate Starvation:

  • Fair Locks: Utilize fair locking mechanisms where threads acquire locks in the order they requested them, as supported by `ReentrantLock` with the fairness parameter.
  • Thread Priority: Use thread priorities judiciously. Relying heavily on thread priorities can exacerbate starvation, as lower-priority threads may never get executed.
  • Work Distribution: Ensure a fair distribution of work and resource access among threads, possibly by using higher-level concurrency constructs like Executors that manage thread pools more efficiently.

Coding Concurrency Journey

To address and mitigate starvation in Java, which occurs when one or more threads are unable to access necessary resources due to others monopolizing them, let’s explore practical code examples based on the strategies mentioned: using fair locks, managing thread priorities carefully, and ensuring a fair distribution of work.

  • Fair Locks

Java’s `ReentrantLock` class allows you to create fair locks, where the lock is granted to the longest-waiting thread. This can help prevent starvation by ensuring that all threads get a chance to proceed.

import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

public class FairLockExample {

    private final ReentrantLock fairLock = new ReentrantLock(true); // Pass true for fairness

    public void performTask() {

        try {


            // Critical section code goes here

            // Ensure this operation does not take too long to avoid impacting other threads

        } finally {




  • Managing Thread Priorities

While Java allows setting thread priorities via the `Thread.setPriority(int)` method, relying solely on priorities can lead to starvation. This example demonstrates how to use priorities wisely, by adjusting them to prevent lower-priority threads from being starved.

public class PriorityExample {

    public void startThreads() {

        Thread highPriorityThread = new Thread(() -> {

            // High-priority task


        Thread lowPriorityThread = new Thread(() -> {

            // Low-priority task


        // Set priorities carefully





        // Consider dynamically adjusting priorities if a thread is starved


  • Fair Work Distribution

Ensuring a fair distribution of work among threads can help mitigate starvation. This can be achieved by using executor services that manage a pool of worker threads, distributing tasks evenly among them.

import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;

import java.util.concurrent.Executors;

public class WorkDistributionExample {

    private final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);

    public void submitTasks() {

        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {

            executor.submit(() -> {

                // Perform task

                // Each task has an equal opportunity to be executed



        // Don't forget to shut down the executor




By applying these strategies utilizing fair locks, managing thread priorities with caution, and ensuring equitable work distribution you can significantly mitigate the risk of starvation in your Java applications. Remember, the key is to balance resource access among threads to ensure that all can proceed in a timely manner.

Race Conditions: The Unpredictable Outcome

Race conditions occur when threads access and modify shared data concurrently. Without taking into account proper synchronization, leading to inconsistent or erroneous application state. The outcome is often unpredictable and difficult to reproduce, making race conditions particularly troublesome to debug.

Strategies to Prevent Race Conditions:

  • Synchronization: Use synchronized blocks or methods to ensure that only one thread can access a critical section of code at a time.
  • Atomic Variables: Utilize atomic variables from the `java.util.concurrent.atomic` package for operations that must be performed atomically, without the need for explicit synchronization.
  • Concurrent Collections: Replace standard collections with concurrent versions from the `java.util.concurrent` package that are designed to handle concurrent access safely.

Coding Concurrency Journey

To prevent race conditions in Java, you can employ several strategies. Here are practical code examples for the mentioned strategies: synchronization, atomic variables, and using concurrent collections.

  • Synchronization

Synchronization is a fundamental technique to prevent race conditions by ensuring that only one thread can access a critical section of the code at a time.

public class SynchronizedCounter {

    private int count = 0;

    // Synchronized method to control access to the count variable

    public synchronized void increment() {



    public synchronized int getCount() {

        return count;


  • Atomic Variables

Java provides a package `java.util.concurrent.atomic` that contains classes for variables which support atomic operations. These classes are designed for environments where threads compete for updating variable values, and they help prevent race conditions.

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

public class AtomicCounter {

    private final AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(0);

    public void increment() {

        count.incrementAndGet(); // Atomic operation


    public int getCount() {

        return count.get();



This example uses `AtomicInteger`, which provides methods like `incrementAndGet()` to atomically increment the current value and return the updated value.

  • Concurrent Collections

Java’s `java.util.concurrent` package provides thread-safe collection classes that support full concurrency of retrievals and adjustable expected concurrency for updates. These collections help prevent race conditions by managing synchronization internally.

import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

public class ConcurrentMapExample {

    private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    public void update(String key, Integer value) {

        map.put(key, value); // Thread-safe operation


    public Integer get(String key) {

        return map.get(key); // Thread-safe operation



This example uses `ConcurrentHashMap`, which is designed for concurrent use, including operations like `put()` and `get()`, without the need for additional synchronization.

Race conditions can lead to unpredictable behavior in your applications. By employing strategies like synchronization, using atomic variables, and leveraging concurrent collections, you can significantly reduce the risk of race conditions in your Java applications. Each approach has its own use case, and choosing the right one depends on the specific requirements and context of your application.

Livelock: The Busy Wait

Livelock is a condition where threads are not blocked but are unable to make progress because they keep responding to each other’s actions in a way that leaves them stuck in a state of constant activity but no progress. It’s like two polite people trying to pass each other in a corridor, each stepping aside to let the other pass, but ending up mirroring each other’s steps indefinitely.

Strategies to Resolve Livelock:

  • Backoff Algorithm: Implement a backoff strategy that introduces randomness in the actions of threads when they detect a potential livelock situation.
  • Giving Up on Locks: When threads detect a livelock, have them release all held locks and wait for a random amount of time before retrying, reducing the chance that they will immediately conflict with each other again.

Coding Concurrency Journey

Here are strategies to resolve livelock, illustrated with Java code examples.

  • Backoff Algorithm

Implementing a backoff algorithm allows a thread to wait for a random period before retrying an action, reducing the chance that two or more threads will enter a livelock condition by attempting the same action repeatedly at the same time.

public class BackoffLockAttempt {

    private volatile boolean lockHolder = false;

    public void attemptLock() {
        int attempts = 0;

        while (!tryLock()) {
            try {
                // Exponential backoff strategy
                int waitTime = (1 << attempts) * 100; // Increase wait time exponentially
                System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " waiting for " + waitTime + "ms.");

                Thread.sleep((long) (Math.random() * waitTime));
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " acquired the lock.");

    public synchronized boolean tryLock() {
        if (!lockHolder) {
            lockHolder = true;
            return true;

        return false;

    public synchronized void unlock() {
        lockHolder = false;
  • Giving Up on Locks

Sometimes, the best way to avoid livelock is for threads to release their resources and restart their task. This can be particularly effective when combined with a backoff strategy to prevent immediate contention.

public class GiveUpLockExample {

    private volatile boolean lockHolder = false;

    public void performTask() {
        boolean taskDone = false;

        while (!taskDone) {
            if (tryLock()) {
                try {
                    // Attempt to perform task
                    taskDone = true;
                    // Task performed successfully
                } finally {
            } else {
                // Give up the locks and resources, then back off               System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " giving up and retrying...");


    private void backOff() {
        try {
            Thread.sleep((long) (Math.random() * 1000)); // Random backoff
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {


    public synchronized boolean tryLock() {
        if (!lockHolder) {
            lockHolder = true;
            return true;
        return false;

    public synchronized void unlock() {
        lockHolder = false;

Livelock situations can be challenging to diagnose and resolve because they involve threads that are actively executing but not making progress. By implementing strategies like backoff algorithms and adopting a policy of giving up on locks when necessary, you can design your Java applications to avoid livelock and ensure that threads can make meaningful progress. Remember, the key to resolving livelock is to allow the system to adapt dynamically to contention, providing mechanisms for threads to defer their operations and effectively manage resource contention.


Concurrency in Java is one of the most powerful part of it. Always requires careful consideration and planning to avoid pitfalls such as deadlock, starvation, race conditions, and livelock. By understanding these issues you can prevent them. With applying best practices and patterns designed to mitigate them, developers can harness the power of concurrent programming. It can lead to build efficient, robust, and scalable Java applications. Remember, the key to successful concurrent programming lies in thoughtful design and cautious implementation.


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