Structural Design Patterns Coding Journey #03: Building Robust Java Applications

Greetings, Java Journeyers!

Today, let’s weave through the intricate yet fascinating world of Structural Design Patterns in Java. These patterns, much like the steel beams in a skyscraper, provide a framework that holds our code together, making it more robust, efficient, and maintainable. As we navigate these concepts, our aim is to simplify the complexity, turning intricate ideas into easily digestible knowledge bites.

structural patterns

The Foundation of Structural Patterns

Structural patterns are about organizing different classes and objects to form larger structures while keeping these structures flexible and efficient. They help ensure that when one part of your system changes, the entire structure doesn’t need to be rebuilt. Think of them as the blueprints that efficiently organize and interconnect the different parts of your application.

The 7 Pillars of Structural Patterns

In Java, there are seven commonly used structural design patterns: Adapter, Bridge, Composite, Decorator, Facade, Proxy and Flyweight. Let’s take a closer look at each one, using relatable scenarios to understand their unique roles.

pillars of structural patterns

Adapter Pattern: Bridging the Gap

Imagine you have a USB-C charger, but your phone only has a micro-USB port. You need an adapter! Similarly, in Java, the Adapter Pattern allows incompatible interfaces to work together. It acts as a bridge between two otherwise incompatible interfaces.

public interface MicroUSBPhone {

    void useMicroUSB();


public class USBCToMicroUSBAdapter implements MicroUSBPhone {

    private USB-CPhone phone;

    public USBCToMicroUSBAdapter(USB-CPhone phone) { = phone;



    public void useMicroUSB() {




Bridge Pattern: Decoupling Abstraction and Implementation

The Bridge Pattern is like having multiple bridges connecting two islands. It separates an object’s abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently. Think of a remote control (abstraction) and the devices it controls (implementation) – they operate independently but work together seamlessly.

public interface Device {

    void turnOn();

    void turnOff();


public class RemoteControl {

    protected Device device;

    public RemoteControl(Device device) {

        this.device = device;


    public void togglePower() {

        if (device.isOn()) {


        } else {





Composite Pattern: Building Trees

The Composite Pattern lets you compose objects into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies. Imagine a file system with folders and files. Folders can contain files or other folders. This pattern lets clients treat individual objects and compositions uniformly.

public interface FileComponent {

    void printName();


public class FileLeaf implements FileComponent {

    public void printName() {

        // Print the file name



public class FolderComposite implements FileComponent {

    private List<FileComponent> children = new ArrayList<>();

    public void add(FileComponent component) {



    public void printName() {

        // Print the folder name and the names of all children



Decorator Pattern: Adding Responsibilities Dynamically

The Decorator Pattern allows adding new functionalities to objects dynamically without altering their structure. It’s like adding stickers to your laptop; you’re not changing the laptop, just making it more personalized.

public interface Coffee {

    double cost();


public class SimpleCoffee implements Coffee {

    public double cost() {

        return 1;



public class MilkDecorator extends CoffeeDecorator {

    public MilkDecorator(Coffee coffee) {



    public double cost() {

        return super.cost() + 0.5;



Facade Pattern: Simplifying Interfaces

Imagine a complex home theater system. The Facade Pattern is like a simple universal remote that makes it easy to operate the system. It provides a simplified interface to a complex subsystem, hiding its complexity and making it easier to use.

public class HomeTheaterFacade {

    private Amplifier amp;

    private Tuner tuner;

    private DVDPlayer dvd;

    public HomeTheaterFacade(Amplifier amp, Tuner tuner, DVDPlayer dvd) {

        this.amp = amp;

        this.tuner = tuner;

        this.dvd = dvd;


    public void watchMovie(String movie) {

        // Simplified steps to watch a movie



Proxy Pattern: Controlling Access

The Proxy Pattern is like having a gatekeeper or a representative. It provides a surrogate or placeholder for another object to control access to it. This can be useful for lazy loading, controlling access, or logging, among other things.

public interface Image


    void display();


public class ProxyImage implements Image {

    private RealImage realImage;

    private String fileName;

    public ProxyImage(String fileName) {

        this.fileName = fileName;


    public void display() {

        if (realImage == null) {

            realImage = new RealImage(fileName);





Flyweight Pattern: Maximizing Efficiency

Imagine a bustling office with hundreds of workers, each requiring a computer. The Flyweight Pattern is akin to having a shared pool of computers that can be personalized temporarily for each worker’s task, instead of each worker having a dedicated machine. It optimizes resource allocation by sharing common objects instead of creating new ones for every task, thereby saving memory and resources.

Here’s how it might look in a Java application dealing with text formatting, where each character in a document could be an object:

public class CharacterFlyweight {
    private final char character;
    private String font;
    private int size;

    // Intrinsic state stored within the flyweight
    public CharacterFlyweight(char character) {
        this.character = character;

    // Extrinsic state passed from client
    public void setFont(String font, int size) {
        this.font = font;
        this.size = size;

    public void display(int x, int y) {
        // Display character with its font and size at position x, y

public class FlyweightFactory {
    private static final HashMap<Character, CharacterFlyweight> flyweights = new HashMap<>();

    public static CharacterFlyweight getFlyweight(char character) {
        CharacterFlyweight flyweight = flyweights.get(character);

        if (flyweight == null) {
            flyweight = new CharacterFlyweight(character);
            flyweights.put(character, flyweight);

        return flyweight;

This pattern allows for the efficient management of objects in large-scale systems, such as word processors or graphic design software, where instances of characters, lines, or shapes can be reused with different external states. It demonstrates the power of sharing to significantly reduce memory usage while maintaining high performance.

In Conclusion

Structural design patterns are essential tools in our Java toolkit, helping us build applications that are both sturdy and adaptable so by mastering these patterns, we equip ourselves to tackle complex design challenges with greater ease and confidence. As we continue to explore the fascinating world of Java design patterns, remember to share your experiences and insights. Every challenge you face and every solution you devise is a step forward in this enriching journey. Keep coding, keep learning, and let’s shape the future of Java development together!


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